Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Welcome to my overground lair!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my secret hideout station where all my special gagets and weapons are made. Shhhhhhhhhh - it's a secret

I've been called out for a Vatican Investigation - lets see what corruption we can find in here

Zooooooooooom, Swisssssshhhhhh,

Flash of red across the skies.............Lightening bolt...............................

THUD! Oooops, never did quite work out the landing sequence.

Nope - nothing to see around here. All seems fine and dandy ............ "A little too fine for my liking methinks" Maybe I didn't get here in time?

Shrug of shoulders,
"I'm still a beginner you know"

Ps do you like my pants? They're velvet

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Is it a bird? Is it a plane?

They seek him here, they seek him there! They seek that Superbear everywhere!!!!!!!!!

(and you thought I was just a little ted)

Me posing at super hero camp! Do you like my outfit?

It's great here - they teach you how to fly and everything.

This is me about to launch

And here's my first flying lesson! looking good eh?

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Little Ted Travels

Hello there (especially Jenny and Mike)!

My name is Little Ted and I have been traveling now for a couple of weeks (I hope my post cards have been arriving safely at the flat and that Little Cat isn't missing me too much?)

Here are some piccies I have been taking of my journeys so far. I'm having loads of fun and plan to travel far and wide. Big grin

Hmmm - I wonder if I'll find any other bears in here?

My first pint - hic! Tastes quite good

Feeling a bit peckish now after the rubbish England match.

Mmmmmm - curry!

I'll have one of them. .. and one of them.

These are some of my new friends.

Look! I found another Bear and she's really cute - (think I might have pulled- wink!)

More piccies to come. Bit tricky to take when you only have paws for hands x x x

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