Thursday, July 13, 2006


Little Ted Travels

Hello there (especially Jenny and Mike)!

My name is Little Ted and I have been traveling now for a couple of weeks (I hope my post cards have been arriving safely at the flat and that Little Cat isn't missing me too much?)

Here are some piccies I have been taking of my journeys so far. I'm having loads of fun and plan to travel far and wide. Big grin

Hmmm - I wonder if I'll find any other bears in here?

My first pint - hic! Tastes quite good

Feeling a bit peckish now after the rubbish England match.

Mmmmmm - curry!

I'll have one of them. .. and one of them.

These are some of my new friends.

Look! I found another Bear and she's really cute - (think I might have pulled- wink!)

More piccies to come. Bit tricky to take when you only have paws for hands x x x

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