Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Welcome to my overground lair!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my secret hideout station where all my special gagets and weapons are made. Shhhhhhhhhh - it's a secret

I've been called out for a Vatican Investigation - lets see what corruption we can find in here

Zooooooooooom, Swisssssshhhhhh,

Flash of red across the skies.............Lightening bolt...............................

THUD! Oooops, never did quite work out the landing sequence.

Nope - nothing to see around here. All seems fine and dandy ............ "A little too fine for my liking methinks" Maybe I didn't get here in time?

Shrug of shoulders,
"I'm still a beginner you know"

Ps do you like my pants? They're velvet

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