Friday, December 28, 2007


More Adventures in Lapland

Well, while I've been up here (jolly cold by the way) I've met some really great elves. They've made mefeel really at home and given me lots of hunny sandwitches. It's quite hard for little bear to get around so they introduced me to my friend Blitzen. We've had loots of fun visitng people and I've even had a glimpsse of Santa paws.

I'm flying back soonm so I can celebrate New Year in style, with some ofmy rock star chums.

Friday, December 21, 2007


and a happy new bear!

Just wanted to wish you a merry christmas from Lapland. Have been helping the elves out with getting all the presents ready for Christmas.They are a lot of fun, and have made me this great hat !

Monday, December 17, 2007



I heard some wonderful news on the bear news wires. Jen and Mike got engaged. I must have missed you in Paris.

Friday, April 20, 2007



Check it out! You can't even see land from here!

Talk about the Shawshank redemption - you don't get much space either!

Hmmm....I wonder if they'll let me put up a poster of Rachel Welch?

Urgh! What did I do to deserve this?

I'm innocent I tell you!

Nooooooo! It gets worse!!!!!!!

Maybe I can fly over? I knew my flying lessons would come in handy some day.

One, two, three eeeegh.........eeegh........WOOSH!!!!!!!Gonna make it. Eegggh....gonna make it.......just a little bit higher....................

OUCH! Stupid fence! :(

Oh well, I can always start collecting rocks.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007



Hung out to dry in a Mexican trailer van!

Braving the lions mouth.

Here I am in Mexico city with the blast of the desert sun on my sweaty little fur covered back.

Glad I took my shades

La la la la la la la la la la!,
na na na na na na na na na na ,
La la la la la la la la la la,
Na na na na na na na na nah Hoi!


Vegas Baby Yeah!

Vegas by night!

I love this crazy city.
Biggest grin ever!

"Love me tender,
Love me sweet,
Say you'll never go....

You have made my life complete,
And I'll love you so"

Hi there!

Did you get my little goodie box last week with lots of little surprises from all the places I have been so far? Am trying to sort out some more piccies for you which I will post up soon.

Love you lots and lots and lots

From Little Ted x x x where shall I go next.......................??????????? :)

Friday, October 27, 2006

Did you guess right?

I went to Recife which is in Pernambuco, BRAZIL!

This is a postcard of the beach. (Recife means reef in Potuguese and if you look at the piccie, the dark bits are where the coral reefs grow) am learning lots on my little travels!

Here is my plane ticket. I flew out to Recife via Lisbon which I think Mike and Jen might have been to recently, but am back in England now planning my next escapade! Just think - we could have passed in the airport?

If you managed to translate the last posting it would read
Marco Zero (Ground Zero)
"From this point, all the distantances in Pernambuco are measured".

Sky at night in Brazil on the balcony! He he - I could be anywhere!
The people I've been travelling with keep forgetting to help me take piccies - so I try and take them myself but it can be hard (even when you're a super bear!)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Some more clues for you!

If you can translate this then it will tell you exactly where I am!

And this is the coat of arms for the town I was staying in last week.

Will reveal all on friday 27th love little Ted x x

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