Friday, October 27, 2006

Did you guess right?

I went to Recife which is in Pernambuco, BRAZIL!

This is a postcard of the beach. (Recife means reef in Potuguese and if you look at the piccie, the dark bits are where the coral reefs grow) am learning lots on my little travels!

Here is my plane ticket. I flew out to Recife via Lisbon which I think Mike and Jen might have been to recently, but am back in England now planning my next escapade! Just think - we could have passed in the airport?

If you managed to translate the last posting it would read
Marco Zero (Ground Zero)
"From this point, all the distantances in Pernambuco are measured".

Sky at night in Brazil on the balcony! He he - I could be anywhere!
The people I've been travelling with keep forgetting to help me take piccies - so I try and take them myself but it can be hard (even when you're a super bear!)

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