Friday, October 27, 2006

Did you guess right?

I went to Recife which is in Pernambuco, BRAZIL!

This is a postcard of the beach. (Recife means reef in Potuguese and if you look at the piccie, the dark bits are where the coral reefs grow) am learning lots on my little travels!

Here is my plane ticket. I flew out to Recife via Lisbon which I think Mike and Jen might have been to recently, but am back in England now planning my next escapade! Just think - we could have passed in the airport?

If you managed to translate the last posting it would read
Marco Zero (Ground Zero)
"From this point, all the distantances in Pernambuco are measured".

Sky at night in Brazil on the balcony! He he - I could be anywhere!
The people I've been travelling with keep forgetting to help me take piccies - so I try and take them myself but it can be hard (even when you're a super bear!)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Some more clues for you!

If you can translate this then it will tell you exactly where I am!

And this is the coat of arms for the town I was staying in last week.

Will reveal all on friday 27th love little Ted x x

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Beautiful sandy beach with friendly ice cream man......

Phuew, and its really hot too.

Cooling off by the pool drinking ridiculously cheap beer!
Ooops sorry Jenny - am not developing a habit.

(Slightly shifty grin.....slurp slurp!)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

See if you can guess where I am now?!!

Big tall buildings.......

with low city lights.......

And a strange but curious coconut lady........!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Konichiwa! Sorry I haven't written in so long - been here in Japan for the past month or so!

This is me with a girl in full traditional costume at the Chiba-hanabi festival, though I think she looks a little bit embarassed to be seen with me - maybe it's the pants!

And here I am at the firework display in the evening. Cool eh?

I've brought you back some souvenirs of my travels so far- tea and cookies from here and some wild flower honey from Alaska, mmmmmmmm. Will try and post them to you when I get the chance!

Ps Told you I needed to brush up on my Judo lessens and where better to do it than in Tokyo?

Look - I'm a black belt now!

Aiiyy YAH! Judo CHOP!

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